April 10-June 18. External link opens in new tab or windowUCLA Extension, Online

Novel Writing Three

For those with a minimum of 50 pages of a novel-in-progress, this workshop guides you to generate at least 50 new pages, as well as learn essential self-editing techniques with the instructor and peers reviewing each participant's project in detail. Refinements of character, structure, emotional content, and the development of the writer's voice are also explored. The goal is to produce a substantial portion of your novel..

May 13-July 21. External link opens in new tab or windowSNHU MFA Online

MFA 700--Thesis Class One

Begin to develop the novel that serves as a thesis for the MFA program. Build a detailed plan that documents the writing process and prepares next steps to be taken toward novel completion. Engage in constructive workshopping, and reflect both on one’s place within a literary community and on how one’s work fits within the publishing ecosystem. Cultivate self-confidence and practical outreach skills by preparing and presenting an effective “elevator” pitch of a novel.

June 7, 2024, 12:15-2:15. External link opens in new tab or windowNational Federation of State Poetry Societies reading

My collection Let's End This Now won the Barbara Stevens manuscript award. I will be reading from the book hot of the press. The convention runs from the 5-9.

June 26-September 10, External link opens in new tab or windowUCLA Extension, Online

Clear and Descriptive Writing (11 Weeks)

Clear and Descriptive Writing focuses on the basics of sentence and paragraph, providing tools to enable clear, focused and descriptive essays and other writing objectives. Starting with focused sentence exercises, you move toward creating clear, thoughtful and organized paragraphs that employ tone, voice and diction. As well as completing exercises and writing assignments, you collect examples of writing—both effective and ineffective—to present to the class in order to share and examine writing strategies. Toward the end of the class, students develop one essay-length piece of writing. In workshop groups, you hone this piece and help classmates improve their work. You leave with skills you can apply in various settings and with different writing projects.

July 7-September 10External link opens in new tab or windowUCLA Extension, Online

Novel Writing One

That novel is inside you waiting to emerge, but knowing how and where to start can be daunting. This course provides you with weekly assignments, group interaction, and instructor feedback to help you explore various methods of writing your first novel while learning the key craft points of plot, structure, characterization, point-of-view, sense of place, and voice. The goal is to complete the first chapter of your novel by establishing an intimacy with your characters as you artfully shape their journey and to develop an overall concept to guide you through your story. Required for students considering the long-fiction sequence.

July 7-September 10External link opens in new tab or windowUCLA Extension, Online

Novel Writing Five

For students who have completed Novel IV, this intensive workshop is specifically directed toward refining an advanced manuscript into a polished novel. The focus is on structural and thematic aspects and the maintenance of the author's unique voice. You work closely with your peers and the instructor to assess portions of individual manuscripts. Emphasis is given to developing and perfecting self-editing techniques. The overall goal of the course is for each novel to reach a professional level appropriate for eventual publication.

September 25-December 10, External link opens in new tab or windowUCLA Extension, Online

Clear and Descriptive Writing (11 weeks)

Clear and Descriptive Writing focuses on the basics of sentence and paragraph, providing tools to enable clear, focused and descriptive essays and other writing objectives. Starting with focused sentence exercises, you move toward creating clear, thoughtful and organized paragraphs that employ tone, voice and diction. As well as completing exercises and writing assignments, you collect examples of writing—both effective and ineffective—to present to the class in order to share and examine writing strategies. Toward the end of the class, students develop one essay-length piece of writing. In workshop groups, you hone this piece and help classmates improve their work. You leave with skills you can apply in various settings and with different writing projects.

October 2-December 10, External link opens in new tab or windowUCLA Extension, Online

Novel Writing Two

Armed with your overall concept and first chapter, you continue to develop your knowledge of craft by writing scenes using characters and situations from the projected novel and workshopping your in-progress work. Mini-lectures on the art of the novel, intuitive creative process and conventional vs. non-conventional approaches to novel structure also are covered. The goal is to complete 50 pages of your novel.

October 4-6, External link opens in new tab or windowWrite on the Sound

Will be presenting during this amazing conference. More information to come.