July 29-October 6, External link opens in new tab or windowSNHU MFA Online

MFA 701--Thesis Class Two

MFA-701 is the halfway point in the three-course sequence leading to the submission of a publishable novel in satisfaction of MFA requirements. The structure of the course is the same as MFA-700, with two student workshops. Students are expected but not required to add an additional twenty thousand words to their novel before moving on to MFA-702. It is anticipated that they will have a rough draft of their novel by the end of the course.

October 2-December 10, External link opens in new tab or windowUCLA Extension, Online

Novel Writing Two

Armed with your overall concept and first chapter, you continue to develop your knowledge of craft by writing scenes using characters and situations from the projected novel and workshopping your in-progress work. Mini-lectures on the art of the novel, intuitive creative process and conventional vs. non-conventional approaches to novel structure also are covered. The goal is to complete 50 pages of your novel.

October 4-6, External link opens in new tab or windowWrite on the Sound

Will be presenting a session on POV and working with folks one-on-one.External link opens in new tab or window Here is the conference information.

October 14-December 22, External link opens in new tab or windowSNHU MFA Online

MFA 702--Thesis Class Three, Capstone

Revise, finalize, and submit a publication-ready novel for the capstone in the MFA program. Assemble a professional portfolio including a query letter and synopsis, accumulated evidence of writing work, and a personally branded website. Reflect critically on one’s place within a writing genre, examine influential books and writers, and envision a career in writing in the context of literary citizenship. Demonstrate mastery of program outcomes through a satisfactory/unsatisfactory grade evaluation.

October 14-December 22, External link opens in new tab or windowSNHU MFA Online

MFA 624--Contemporary Fiction Writing

Continue to explore the conventions, tools, and skills required for writing a successful Contemporary Fiction novel, with emphasis on implementing worldbuilding and setting, dialogue, voice, style, and pacing. Compose, workshop, and revise an original scene intended for a novel. Examine ideas that tie scenes together, such as foreshadowing, backstory, flashback, and subplot.

January 8-March 18. 2025, External link opens in new tab or windowUCLA Extension, Online

Novel Writing Three

For those with a minimum of 50 pages of a novel-in-progress, this workshop guides you to generate at least 50 new pages, as well as learn essential self-editing techniques with the instructor and peers reviewing each participant's project in detail. Refinements of character, structure, emotional content, and the development of the writer's voice are also explored. The goal is to produce a substantial portion of your novel..